FUGU COMIX #3 Now Available For Pre-Order!
Fugu is back, and he’s more destructive than ever in his third issue! The latest and greatest issue starring the most violent little Fugu fish and his merry band of co-conspirators! The outrageous comics keep on coming, with this issue featuring Fugu, DJ Rodney, and the creator himself! For mature readers only! 26 pages, Color, $5. Back cover by Cameron Zavala. The issue debuts in September, but I’m taking pre-orders now to have a better idea of how many issues to print. You won’t want to miss this one! There’s only 6 copies left of the Second Printing of FUGU COMIX #1, and FUGU COMIX #2 is getting close to selling out of its First Printing. ***Pre-order your copy here!***

Exciting announcement! I’ll be tabling at SHORT RUN this year! I applied on a whim, and to my surprise got accepted. I’ll only be selling my comics, so no copies of CLUSTERFUX this time (will probably be lighter on the suitcase because of it). So if you’re in the Seattle area Saturday, November 4th, come on by and say “Hello!” I’m also going to try and give the Fantagraphics store a visit (and try not to get too emotional). The last time I was in Seattle was for Emerald City Comic-Con over a decade ago. Back then I was still doing my Cammy’s Comic Corner Podcast and writing articles for Bleeding Cool. Ah, to be young and naïve. From what I remember though, Seattle is such a hotbed of talented creators so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intimidated.

San Diego Comic-Con 2023
Although I could only attend Saturday this year (stupid work), I definitely made the most of it! I ran into such scalawags as Simon Hanselmann, Josh Pettinger, Max Clotfelter, Ed Luce, and Avi Ehrlich. The highlight though was next door to the convention center: WELCOME TO THE ITO-VERSE, an art exhibit that had over 100 of Junji Ito’s originals up for viewing. The experience was incredible, and it was so cool seeing the level of detail in his pages. A friend later informed me there was a similar exhibit at Angoulême earlier in the year, where they had over 800 of his originals on display! I felt fortunate just to see the ones that I did in San Diego! I highly recommend it if VIZ has it at the next comic convention in your area.
CLUSTERFUX COMIX #666 It’s been announced on various platforms that Nate Garcia of ALANZO SNEAK fame has illustrated the cover for this sixth issue (see below)! Very exciting stuff. FCBD 2024 The theme this year? [adult swim] tribute. Open call for submissions will take place in September. You heard it here first!

ULTRAFUGU #3 With FUGU #3 wrapped, I’m almost done thumbnailing the plot and ready to get started sketching. I feel like lots of different tokusatsu influences have been bombarding me recently, which has been helping me plot future issues as well. Still predicting Spring 2024 for this one. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be able to table at G-FEST next summer! FUGU COMIX #4 I was already thinking up of new comics while coloring the third issue, and then got even more ideas for future Harper comics while recently visiting him during Comic-Con. My father, my muse.

That does it for now! See you at Short Run in November!