Cameron Hatheway
Jan 9, 2016
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Films Get Respect At BAFTAs, Golden Globes
I wrote a little article on Famous Monsters of Filmland's website about Sci-Fi and Fantasy films getting some respect with award shows so...

Cameron Hatheway
May 5, 2015
5 Ordinary, Every-Day Battles Batman Would Kick Superman's Ass At
After recently subjecting myself to 28+ hours of Marvel movies, comic book movies have been on my mind quite a bit as of late. When I was...

Cameron Hatheway
Apr 5, 2015
I Survived The Marvel Movie Marathon (Barely)
I spent 28+ hours at the El Capitan Theater earlier this week, covering the Nerdist/Marvel Movie Marathon for IHEARTCOMIX. My report is...

Cameron Hatheway
Sep 30, 2012
Cammy's Comic Corner - September 2012
Another month already? That means it's time for Cammy’s Comic Corner for September 2012! [1:19] Dragon*Con discussion with Chandra Free!...

Cameron Hatheway
Aug 27, 2012
Cammy's Comic Corner - August 2012
The first monthly episode of Cammy's Comic Corner for August 2012! [1:34] LEGO talk with John Layman! [21:52] Keyleaf Comics' DUST and...